Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happiness, rollover minutes.

So, with a little nudge, here I am posting to my "fans of Lec" board...

The life of Lec has been interesting to say the least. With moving and uncertainty in the market i do feel sick to my stomach more often than not. The move is almost complete, however, making the new house a home has just begun.

Today, as usual I have been worrying about my current job and all the thoughts that go along with those kind of worries. Growing up dirt poor in central Illinois has taught me that if I had to go back to that lifestyle that I could survive. However, I do not wish that life on anyone. I feel sick to my stomach at the state of our country and the blind believers in politics, on both sides of the fence.

I feel sad for the ones who have lost their jobs, and I feel sad for the ones who have many things in life to be joyous about but unfortunately have that one dark cloud hanging over thier head that takes away all that queued up happiness. Can happiness be like cell phone rollover minutes? Meaning, if there are things I can or should be happy about today but cant because of the impending doom hanging over my head, can I store the happiness and use it later when the doom and gloom has landed?

One can wish, can't I?