Thursday, December 11, 2008


You know, I just love my steal another line from a movie...My life is like pizza, even when its bad its still pretty good.

Starting this blog has made me realize that really. I had many inquiring in another world as to who this all was directed to, but the ironic part is, it wasn't really directly towards anyone directly but I can see how many people it struck indirectly. I just wish the ones who formulate a thought about it all would stand up and voice it!

But it made me realize I don't get tied up in the junk that preoccupies peoples minds. I worry about real life things! How to pay my mortgage, focus on work and relationships in kind. What I refuse to do is get attached to a place where my emotions can not be controlled. In a world that is build on lies and blanket mistrust. You cant even worry about how people perceive you to be in this world because ultimately everyone thinks everyone is lying...So why bother wasting energy on it?

SL (RL) Enjoyment = Balance / Detachment (Balance divided by Detachement)

I practice this formula and love my RL and SL! You can to!


J. Renee Hyzy said...

I am responding to a man who does not believe in "Fate," who, views life in SL much differently than I, and yet....I love listening to his sets! And, you made me think, question, and do a bit of self examination!

Your comment -
"You cant even worry about how people perceive you to be in this world because ultimately everyone thinks everyone is lying...So why bother wasting energy on it?

SL (RL) Enjoyment = Balance / Detachment (Balance divided by Detachement)"

I would offer this - It doesn't take extra energy to live with integrity rl or sl, you either do, or you don't and its a choice. Does it matter if other people's perceptions are reality? I guess that depends on the "Who" and to what degree do they "Count." I don't waste effort on people who don't count, anymore.

Now....this....detachment thing you speak of.... it is a foreign concept to a person who's motto is to "Live life passionately." So, you say that formula works well for you in both worlds. Does it? Really? or is it just safe?

~ "Lil Miss Can't Be Wrong"

Madcap said...

I guess the formula does lean a little on the safe side. But you have to be safe with many aspects in RL and SL. You have to protect your heart in SL especially. To not is to hurt and there are many who understand that, even perhaps yourself.

I play it safe myself because I don't want to cause hurt, does it happen, sure does because we are all weak to the moments of romance.

My comment about wasting energy means, I will live my SL and RL with integrity and values and not worry about whether people believe it is real or I am real. I did not mean why bother being honest.

The energy we have to give each day is only so much, its what we can handle so you cant waste energy in areas that you can not change or get others to see otherwise.

The truth is always right in front of you, you just have to want to see it.
